Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Class notes 1/13: cycle, scope, plot, meter, line

cycle~ is a single sine wave oscillator, can choose the frequency.  Sends out a full-amplitude wave.

scope~ tries to draw a visual sine wave for you, representing the signal

plot~ will plot audio information, but you have to define the axes and scale in an input message

meter~ gives you a green-to-red sound meter, if you put a number box at output, gives you numerical level

*~ multiplies--helpful for adjusting volume, since automatic output from oscillator is at volume 1.  Shouldn't adjust this instantaneously, as it will create a click.  Need to gradually adjust volume.  Do this with -linear interpolation-.  Instead of a number box with a multiplier in it, replace with:

line~  whole job is to do linear interpolation, sends out audio signal, in R inlet wants the amount of time to get to new value (in milliseconds), in L inlet wants volume it should go to, or you can input them as a list into the L inlet

None of the meters will work unless the DAC is turned on.  Think of the DAC being on as Max being able to process audio information.

Apparently, I can't hear much above 18,000 Hz.

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