*look at t i b i b / trigger object-what is it (?)
To synch audio with movie, trigger "open audio file" and playing the movie at the same time.
It's more computationally intensive for Max to draw video in jit.pwindow than if it's in a separate window, especially if it's being resized.
When you use jit.movie, use autostart attribute, set it to zero. Type jit.movie @autostart 0.
Quicktime has its own time units, hence the complicated way of getting the time in a movie per the example on the website.
qmetro object--Chris recommends for video, puts them on low priority queue--we notice dropped frames less than we notice audio dropouts
*read article about timing Chris posted
jit.rota object--allows you to rotate video--anchor points specify point around which entire movie rotates--so you might accidentally flip it off the screen
Mapping dimensions of one kind of art into another is a whole interesting area. For ex), Anthony's interest in correlating lights (color, brightness) with musical harmony (pitches, their relationships). Keep in mind linear mapping isn't the way people perceive things--we tend to perceive things logarithmically.
jit.lcd object--a place where you can draw stuff, creates a matrix & understands certain messages about what to draw--type jit.lcd 4 char 320 240 (4 plane means RGBalpha)--send it to a jit.window to show whatever gets sent out of LCD object--into that, loadbang font, background color (brgb), foreground color (frgb) to be all 255, which ends up white--send message "moveto", prepend "write," and send it to LCD
read a coll into the LCD, which can tell the LCD a series of things to do
can add LCD to movie with a jit.plus or jit.+ object, and it will throw titles on there
paintoval message--follow it with coordinates you'd like oval to be bound with
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