Monday, February 16, 2015

Final Project, more concrete ideas & timeline

For my final project for the quarter, I'll write a piece for solo saxophone and Max for Live.  I'll use pitch tracking in Max to trigger certain events, and I'll use Ableton's looping and recording capabilities to capture and play back material from earlier in the piece.  Ideally, I'll figure out how to do this automatically, without having to hit buttons during performance.  If all else fails, I can still hit keys on the laptop, or borrow a foot pedal.

Tech-wise, I'll need my computer (as long as it's fast enough), a microphone, and an amplifier or PA system.  I'd prefer an amp, since I could put it behind me and be able to hear my own music.

Knowledge-wise, I need to get familiar with sigmund~ and/or other pitch tracking strategies in Max.  Since I just got Live, I'll have to dig in to its recording, playback, and looping capabilities.  Once I'm more familiar with these features, I'll have a better idea of how to compose the piece.  I'd like it to have more and less rhythmically driven sections, so I can get an idea of how to work in both those realms.

Here's a vague timeline:

Week 7: test patches with sigmund~ etc.
test Live's looping capabilities
start composition

Week 8: complete draft of the piece

Week 9: testing and revision

Week 10: piece ready to perform!  (??!)

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